3 Million High School Students Vaped

  • February 13 | vape

About 40 percent of high school students who said they used tobacco said they used two or more types of products, a 23 percent increase.

About 15 percent of them vaped and smoked cigarettes, according to the survey. Over the course of a year, the number of high school students using tobacco products increased by about 38 percent, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found.

E-cigarettes drove the increase, the CDC said. Use of other products remained stable.

In 2018, nearly 21 percent of high school students, or 3 million, vaped. Source: CDC blames spike in teen tobacco use on vaping, popularity of Juul

Vaping 101: Some Tips for Vaping Safety

  • January 24 | Jeremy Lin

No charger swapping. Only use the charger Yocan vape came with.
Daytime charging only. Don’t charge your vape at night while you’re sleeping.
Drop your vape into your reusable water bottle? Replace the batteries anytime they get wet.
Don’t let the batteries come into contact with anything metal.
Look for e-cigarettes with safety features, like an automatic shutoff feature when the battery is fully charged.

Buy good quality juice. Pre-packed juice from a large, US company is probably safe and probably contains what it says it does, but do you know what that stuff is?
Keep your vape to yourself.
“Mod” at your own risk.
Don’t spill when re-filling!
Use your head.

How to reduce your battery explosion risk, source: https://und.readsh101.com/5-things-you-didnt-know-about-vaping/

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