Do You Know Malaysia Vaporizer Law?

  • November 21 | Jeremy Lin

Vaping in Malaysia Status: Permitted with Big Limitations

What you need to know: Malaysia has tightened up its laws on both smoking and vaping during 2018 and 2019. Nicotine is now classed as a Class C poison. The sale, distribution or importation of any unlicensed products that contain nicotine is prohibited. E-Cigarettes that contain Nicotine can only be sold by licensed pharmacies and medical practitioners. Vaping/Smoking is also now banned in 23 places, for a full list, please take a look at below list.

  1. Entertainment centres, or theatres (does not include pubs, discotheques, night clubs, or casinos during their operation hours)
  2. Any area of a hospital or clinic
  3. Public lifts and toilets
  4. Air-conditioned eating places or shops
  5. Public vehicles and public transport terminals
  6. Airports
  7. Any area of government premises
  8. Any area of a building used for assemblies (other than private or residential buildings, or in a public place)
  9. Any area of an educational institution or higher educational institution
  10. Any area of a nursery
  11. School buses
  12. Any floor with a service counter in buildings listed in the Second Schedule
  13. Any area of shopping complexes
  14. Any area of petrol stations
  15. Any area in stadiums, sports complexes, fitness centres, or gyms
  16. Any religious building or public place
  17. Any area of a library
  18. Any area of internet cafes
  19. Any area of National Service training grounds
  20. Any air conditioned working spaces with a centralized air conditioned system
  21. Any rest and recreational areas in buildings, playgrounds, or gardens, and the area within 3 meters of that place
  22. Any public parks, except an open public car park
  23. Any observation towers, camp site, canopy bridges, and 5 meters from the entrance/exit of the canopy bridge (national parks and state parks)

The “area” of a place mentioned above also includes the surrounding area of the place within its borders, and also includes a distance of 3 meters from any permanent roof connected to the main building. Offenders can be fined up to RM10,000 or be imprisoned for up to 2 years.

The buildings that fall under the Second Schedule (for item 12 mentioned above) are:

Banks or financial institutions

Telekom Malaysia Berhad

Tenaga Nasional Berhad

Pos Malaysia Berhad

Vaping 101: Some Tips for Vaping Safety

  • January 24 | Jeremy Lin

No charger swapping. Only use the charger Yocan vape came with.
Daytime charging only. Don’t charge your vape at night while you’re sleeping.
Drop your vape into your reusable water bottle? Replace the batteries anytime they get wet.
Don’t let the batteries come into contact with anything metal.
Look for e-cigarettes with safety features, like an automatic shutoff feature when the battery is fully charged.

Buy good quality juice. Pre-packed juice from a large, US company is probably safe and probably contains what it says it does, but do you know what that stuff is?
Keep your vape to yourself.
“Mod” at your own risk.
Don’t spill when re-filling!
Use your head.

How to reduce your battery explosion risk, source:

Uooce S11 Vape